First Felted Project
Well, I finished my first felted project. This is a memo bag, pattern is from www.joann.com. The yarn is a combo of yarn that my friend, Kitty, brought me from New York, and some wool that I bought at Stitches West. You can see more about those in earlier posts. The copper color felted faster and tighter than the linen color. I really like the pockets that I put just under the flap for keys and cell phone. The before measurements were 14" X 15" and the after are 10" X 12". The strap felted up shorter than I had hoped for, but it does fit over my shoulder, and that's what counts. I have enough yarn to do this exact project again, so may try it to see how I improve. I think if I do it again, I will user a smaller hook on the lighter yarn, hoping that will make for more even felting. Do you think that would work? And the strap needs to be a little longer. It was fun, and another goal for the year completed.
They always say white/light wool doesn't felt very well. I would make a swatch to felt with the two colors before the next project. It's still a very pretty purse even if it isn't exactly what you wished for. I have some wool and have been chicken to try for that very impreciseness of felting.
hello, saw your felted bag, for a first timer...it's not bad...I've been dreaming of doing that kind of a project,felting i.e. :)
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