Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Afghan from Hell II
This afghan is turning into a real pain in my a--! I am still working on redoing the last row of each panel, which must be about 650 stitches each. This time around I am joining the panels as I go, so there will be no more surprises.
However, I have this thing laying on the cofee table, and I look over at it, and I found a gross, ugly, cannot be ignored, error in the middle panel of what I have already done, undone, and redone. D--n!
Well, on the positive side, other than taking 2 panels apart, it only affects 1 panel, but I have to take it all the way back to the braid.
Now if the heat would just let up a little. It's pretty hot to have a big afghan laying all over you right now. Fortunately, it's done in panels, so the weight is only with me for about 45 minutes at a time when putting the panels together w/reverse single crochet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.