Sunday, September 27, 2009

I joined Ravelry a couple of years ago, but have not used it much.  So, in order to prepare for providing the Musette vest pattern, I have been updating my Rav pages, trying to figure out how to provide a pattern for others, etc.  It has taken up most of my time for the last couple of days, but I think I finally have it!  I have one pattern listed there now for free and as soon as one of my friends lets me know she is able to pick it up, I think I will list another.  Just to make sure.  I have probably a half dozen things I have actually written down the patterns for and Peter and I were discussing putting them on his website.  But, it looks like I can do it myself from Ravelry.  Will wonders never cease.
I was really surprised this morning when I looked at the pattern that I posted.  Already several people have marked it as a fav and 1 person actually queued it.  How cool is that?
Oh yea!  If you want to check me out there my id is cayscrafts and my store is Cays Crafts.  Big surprise, huh?

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