Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Fair #2 results are in
Well, we went to Alameda County Fair (CA) on a Thursday during the day. Perfect, all the way around. Not too many folks, the weather was just about perfect!
My Tropical Mist doily took 1st, Granny Ripple Afghan 2nd, Bread and Butter pickles 2nd,Baby Shawl Afghan 3rd, I had 4 more entries that didn't win anything. This fair does give you the scorecard and sometimes the judges do write comments, but to me it is still very confusing. Wish my scanner was working so I could show you one of these. It is graded 25% appearance, 50% workmanship, 25% suitability. The grading scale is well done +, acceptable ^, needs improving -. On this sweater, I received a + on every point, but no ribbon. also, no comments. Go figure. However, on my tomato preserves, there are notes that I left too much head space and preserves should have fruit pieces. Now, that tells me what I need to improve to do better next year. Thank you culinary judge!
When we went today to pick up our items, I got the phone # and name of the person to contact so I can volunteer next year. I have bitched for the last 3 years about the way the items are displayed, so it's time to get off my duff and do something about it.
We have had a really hard time finding our entries at this fair. If there is a method to how things are displayed, I still haven't figured it out. And to complicate things, they had Home Arts in 2 buildings. I'm sure there was supposed to be reason for what went in each building, but there were afghans in both, sweaters in both, baby stuff in both. Can't find the pattern here. So, hopefully, I can get on the committee that does the displays and can give them some input. We'll see.
All in all, a very good day.

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